Bay Area Vin Verifications
Please Be Aware, some of the communities listed below may be a beautiful drive to get to, there may be additional charges above any listed price for a specific county rate fee on their website.
Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Emeryville, Dublin, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Newark, Pleasanton, Oakland, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Union City, and all unincorporated areas of Alameda County.
Also serving - Alameda, Contra Costa and Solano Counties.
Copyright © 2009 - 2022 California Vehicle Verifiers.Org - All Rights Reserved
We Cannot Verify Salvage Or Junk Titled Vehicles. These Are DMV - CHP Verifications Only.
Please read "What Can We Verify" in the navigation bar above and/or, the verifier you choose, read their website as to what a licensed Vehicle Verifier can and cannot verify for the California Department of Motor Vehicles. There Are Limitations, e.g. Salvage or Junk titled vehicles, 1970 and newer vehicles with missing or illegible Federal Safety Certification Labels, more limitations may apply.
Also serving - All 9 San Francisco Bay Area Counties, The Greater Sacramento Area and Yolo County.
ASAP is a DMV Business Partner.